We are pleased to say that our bot is operated entirely through the online control panel. This means you can use any device to access our services.

No. Since the service runs on our servers and is operated through the webbrowser, your device and internet connection remain unaffected.

The "viewerlist" is technically your chatters. In order to populate the viewerlist please add the chatters to your stream using the control panel.

Absolutely. However, you should not rely SOLELY on the bot to get partnered. The bot will give your channel the exposure it needs to attract real viewers. This is in fact how most people achieve partnerships.

Though by design, new Twitch channels just cannot compete with established channels. There are streamers who will literally attract not a single viewer for months, or even years of streaming, depending on the game. While their determination is admirable, it just isn't efficient. With a Twitch viewer bot you will have an audience on your very first stream.

You can control how many viewers are on your stream yourself via the control panel.